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By Bob Sorokanich

DO: Dress like you belong. Blazer and slacks is the go-to uniform for supercar buyers. Add a nice watch if you can, but no knockoffs. Dealers can spot a fake from across the parking lot.

DON'T: Bring a buddy. This is a solo mission.

DO: Your research. Walk in knowing exactly which model and trim you want to drive -- and the cars it compares to.

DON'T: Walk or Uber to the dealership. That's a car thief's move.

DO: Drive up in the nicest car you can get your hands on, freshly washed.

IF THEY ASK: You work in finance. Stocks and equities, mostly. Act nonchalant and immediately change the subject.

IF THEY FALL FOR IT: For Pete's sake, drive like a sane, responsible adult. You may have schmoozed your way behind the wheel, but you still can't afford it. Be careful out there.
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