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By: admin
About one in every 10 five-year-olds experience bed wetting. This is why bed wetting in young children is an acknowledged and accepted condition, similar to experiencing measles.(read entire article)
View : 1214 Times
By: admin
In today's performance driven society people are forced to deal with stress at very a young age. Teenagers are constantly driven to compete for the best or the highest at school,(read entire article)
View : 1329 Times
By: admin
What is it in moms that makes us feel we have to take on the SuperMom identity? What makes us put on that cape? If you talk to working mothers that you know, or even examine your own experiences, falling into the SuperMom trap is common.(read entire article)
View : 1159 Times
By: admin
It's easy to blame our parents for how we are: "How can I be successful and happy when my father always told me I wouldn't amount to much?" "My mother was never a role model for a happy, healthy woman."(read entire article)
View : 1230 Times
By: admin
Most people have probably never considered what life is like for children and teens who attend a boarding school rather than a traditional school.(read entire article)
View : 1937 Times
By: admin
One summer day, Jack and Janet, brother and sister, were happily playing soccer in their front yard. Then Jack accidentally kicked the ball wide. It shot past Janet, into the street. Janet ran through the yard and across the sidewalk, to retrieve the ball(read entire article)
View : 1596 Times
By: admin
Do you know what to look for in a backpack? Now that your child has to carry a heavy load of books and other supplies back and forth from school, you need to think about buying her a back friendly pack.(read entire article)
View : 1173 Times
By: admin
1. Teach them the greatest two commandments are to love God and other people (Matthew 22:36-40).(read entire article)
View : 494 Times
By: admin
Many parents and teachers have found six steps toward making education more fun. They bring history to life by: 1. Visiting an historic home, old churchyard or restored village.(read entire article)
View : 1667 Times
By: admin
An educational toy is a product which is used to teach children important skills while simultaneously entertaining them. Toy blocks have traditionally been used to teach children important skills such as physics, gravity, and spatial connections.(read entire article)
View : 1761 Times
By: admin
Ever wonder how you could get your son or daughter to be more interested in math? Math is hard work, but with some fun maths games, you can capture their attention while they learn. So, how can you find some fun maths games?(read entire article)
View : 1700 Times
By: admin
Phonics lesson plans are the foundation by which you can be better prepared to help your child to begin to learn to read. You must be prepared in order to make the most of your time together and to make the most of your child's attention span.(read entire article)
View : 1648 Times
By: admin
Children are never too young to learn how to be good citizens. "Explain to your children that they are citizens of many communities-their town, the country and the world," says Sharon Bergen, senior vice president of education and training for Knowledge L(read entire article)
View : 1788 Times
By: admin
Ever wonder why kids hang on to their teddy bears, binkies, blankies, etc. for so long? Have you ever wondered why they don't understand a story you've told them? Because kids are "touchy-feely"! Children do not actually understand abstract ideas until ar(read entire article)
View : 1552 Times
By: admin
Math is a very important subject for everyone to master. Mathematics is used in every area of life - in the home, on the job, and even in recreation.(read entire article)
View : 1710 Times
By: admin
In late summer/early fall, the kids are going back to school. While it's primarily their event, it impacts the whole family, as everyone adjusts to new schedules and routines.(read entire article)
View : 1247 Times
By: admin
All of us want our children to succeed in school. But for many kids and teens, concentration in this always-pressured, starved-for-time era can be difficult. Here are some tips for helping your son or daughter improve concentration and do better in the cl(read entire article)
View : 1623 Times
By: admin
Parents need to find solutions to teen-age problems, very fast. This generation is in a hurry. They have no time to pause and ponder. Being young, impressionable minds, they are easily carried away.(read entire article)
View : 1269 Times
By: admin
Many parents may admit math was not their favorite subject in high school. Many may also admit that math now plays an important role in their lives and careers-and will be necessary for their own children's futures.(read entire article)
View : 1818 Times
By: admin
Mom never needs to shout how much she cares about her kids. Universally moms remain the same even though the kids grow into men, real heroes of the country.(read entire article)
View : 1654 Times
By: admin
As your teen embarks on their college adventures the excitement; apprehension and general chaos can be distracting.(read entire article)
View : 1111 Times
By: admin
Many students find math a challenging subject, and hiring math tutors can provide a great solution for trouble in the classroom. Difficulty with math is a widespread problem, particularly with the strong emphasis on testing for students in all grades.(read entire article)
View : 1632 Times
By: admin
The first step in monitoring your child's language development is to make time for the child in your busy schedule. Rework your life to give priority to the child.(read entire article)
View : 1660 Times
By: admin
All parents want their children to grow up having lots of fun. Parents provide opportunities for their kids to participtate in sports and clubs of all kinds.(read entire article)
View : 1593 Times
By: admin
How do we best instill confidence in children and raise them with good morals and discipline? Lessons on Virtues. What parents should not do:(read entire article)
View : 1684 Times
By: admin
A lot of teaching your child to read is first instilling in your child a desire to read. It's so very important for the child to know that reading activities and learning to read is fun.(read entire article)
View : 1719 Times
By: admin
Teaching a child the fundamentals of reading involves helping them learn the sounds each of the letters make and then joining those sounds together to form words.(read entire article)
View : 1602 Times
By: admin
Technology is revolutionizing the way Americans communicate and conduct business; yet, it has been slow to really take foot in our schools' curriculums. Up until recently, technology has been introduced to students as an elective versus a complete integra(read entire article)
View : 1604 Times
By: admin
All children have to attend school. If the schools in your area are less than ideal it can seem like there are no options for your children. Consider the benefits of Christian education for your children.(read entire article)
View : 1641 Times
By: admin
Having an autistic child or dependent adult is very draining on both caregivers and relatives. Knowing how to advocate and care for you your loved ones, while increasing general awareness,(read entire article)
View : 1215 Times
By: admin
Do you know someone that is about to graduate from high school, college, or another important milestone? If so, it is important that you, the graduate's friends and family, bless the graduate with the perfect graduation gift.(read entire article)
View : 1543 Times
By: admin
Do you recognize the names Giant Slalom, Luge, and Curling? Yes? Then you must be ready for the Winter Olympics! Here are a few suggestions to make them more meaningful to your children(read entire article)
View : 1773 Times
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