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By: admin
If you have ever wondered "what are pheromones" you are probably not alone. In fact, there have been many people who have wondered what pheromones are, and a lot of research has been done on the topic.

In the quest to find out what pheromones are, people have done research in the human world as well as the animal kingdom. This is because pheromones occur and do their work in both animal kingdom and human world.

Basically, when it comes down to it, "What are pheromones?" is answered very easily. Pheromones are the chemicals that your body produces to attract other people. These are usually used to attract a mate, but pheromones have also been found to have an effect in social and business circles.

The main question of what pheromones are is answered by the idea that a pheromone is used to attract one sex to another. A pheromone is a substance that is secreted by the body primarily for the purpose of mating. The female attracts the male of the same species by putting out just the right pheromones to bring him to her.

The same thing happens with males, in order to attract females. This can happen in any kind of living creature -- people, animals and insects -- because all living things need a mate in order to reproduce. The way to attract a mate is to put out pheromones.

In the human world, the idea of our bodies chemically attracting another body might seem silly, but it actually isn't. A lot of the attraction that we have for others comes from pheromones.

It is important to understand that the pheromones of one species consist of different chemicals than the pheromones of another species. Each species only wants to attract its own kind. Therefore, humans aren't secreting pheromones that attract cats, and so on. It would have been too confusing and way too funny had this been not the case.

This is nature's way of making sure that the right kind of animal mates with another of its own species and that the line of that animal can continue to reproduce. It also is a way of making sure that nothing has to force certain animals to breed; they simply will when the time is right.
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