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Articles » Finance » Taxes

By: admin
I know you hate tax. Everyone hates tax. You work every week, do a few extra hours and see a chunk of it taken away in taxes. It doesn't seem worth it. Why should you work those extra hours just to be taxed at a higher rate and never see any benefit?

Minimising tax is a national sport. Everyone is trying to get tax deductions, salary sacrificing, retirement plans, you name it. If there's a deduction to be had chances are you are trying to find it to reduce your tax, because you HATE paying taxes.

The hatred of paying more tax keeps people in their positions of employment because they don't want to get promoted because this means they will earn more and have to pay more taxes.

Whatever you concentrate on and give your energy to, you will attract more of. If you spend your time worrying about taxes, hating taxes, you will attract more taxes and you will hate them even more.

So try this. Embrace tax. Love tax. Be glad to pay tax. I'm kidding you right? Wrong.

My goal is to have a $1 million tax bill. Do you know why?

Because that means I've made a heap of money. But it also means that my government now has an extra $1 million it didn't have before to fund programs like health and education.

Now I'm a philanthropist at heart but not in practice. What I mean by that is, I would love to help the needy but don't know how to start. Fortunately there are thousands of organizations who apply to the government for grants so they can do just that - help the needy.

So my tax is actually my DONATION, yes say that again, DONATION to my government so that it can care for people who need health care, education, housing, crisis assistance etc.

You see the difference? If you love tax for what it can do and send it into the world with a positive energy, positive energy will flow back to you. You will probably have to pay more taxes, do you know why? Because you'll be earning more money!

Embrace tax. Cherish it as your donation, your way of helping, your way of giving. I know that tithing is sometimes difficult when you are on a tight budget and small wage so ask the universe to accept your tax as your tithe. You will be amazed at the changes that begin to take place in your bank balance, your wallet and your end of year refund as a result.

- Kathy Hassed
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