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By: admin
When the skin just becomes too itchy, too rash-like, or starts to have sores that weep, it may be more than just dry skin. Eczema is a term used to describe a wide variety of skin conditions that consist of dry skin, cracking, bleeding, itch, and oozing sores. One must determine what kind of eczema one is experiencing, and then they are better able to address it and begin to heal.

One type of eczema is atopic eczema. It's common in infants, which is why this form is sometimes called infantile eczema. It's believed to be hereditary, especially if members of the same family suffer from hay fever or asthma. Atopic eczema can present itself on the face, scalp, neck, inside of elbows, behind the knees, and on the buttocks.

One way to determine the severity of the eczema is by process of elimination. Many physicians believe that infant eczema manifests itself due to external irritants or diet. By eliminating dairy (in most cases), infant skin tends to clear up or develops fewer breakouts. A certain type of laundry detergent may also trigger rashes and eczema in infants, which is why it's important to use gentle detergent, and use natural materials that are friendly to young skin.

Contact dermatitis is a common disease in many developed countries. Eczema can be a delayed reaction to an allergen that the skin has been exposed to, for example poison ivy. This form of eczema is curable, as one only needs to avoid the irritant, once it is traced to the source. With the environment being as it is today, contact dermatitis is the most common occupation skin disease among the population. Toxins in the air, water, ground, and food can all bring on eczema as the body is reacting to something unnatural.

Another form of eczema is Xerotic eczema. It's common among the older population, as skin tends to become drier as it ages. In this case, this is dry skin turned to eczema because of the level of severity. It gets worse in the winter, and the legs are most often affected. Skin becomes cracked, dry and hard. Seborrhoeic dermatitis is another form of eczema. It's common in infants, and it's also known as cradle cap. Dandruff is also another name for it.

Eczema is bothersome, but it is treatable. Diet is essential. One must start consuming more natural foods and oils, and exercise and fresh air help rid the body of toxic build up. Eczema may also be a result of a food allergy, so it's important to go through a process of elimination to discover what foods may be triggering the flare-ups.

Foods such as eggs, dairy, nuts, wheat and caffeine are common culprits. Eczema, like psoriasis, responds well to light therapy. Exposing the affected areas to the sun is helpful, but one must be sure not to overexpose and have the skin turn cancerous.

Gentle facial cleansers and body soap, as well as laundry detergent, must be used instead of the harsher products. Regularly changing bed sheets is good practice as well, as people who suffer from eczema sometimes react to the excrement left over by house dust mites.

Try to stay away from cortisone and steroid creams, as it tends to thin the skin out over time. Natural creams such as calendula cream, or urea cream, or plain petroleum jelly, may help more and doesn't have any side effects.

Eczema may over time disappear, but for those who have it chronically, it can be controlled. Do the research, go to the doctor for advice, and you're well on your way to a better quality of life.
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