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By: admin
Parkinson's disease affects approximately 1.5 million adults in the United States. Due to a deficiency in the chemical dopamine, which controls muscle coordination and movement, Parkinson's disease most often affects motor skills and speech. People with Parkinson's disease often experience difficulties with movement; many of them shake uncontrollably or go rigid. Balance is often affected, causing the afflicted person to fall often.

People with Parkinson's disease also experience speech problems. For example, some people with Parkinson's disease speak softly or unintelligibly. Others have problems with drooling or swallowing. Yes, Parkinson's disease is a very sad affliction. However, these are not the only symptoms that make life more difficult for those afflicted by Parkinson's disease. Many experts have found a correlation between Parkinson's disease and sleep disorders as well.

Parkinson's disease and sleep disorders that are most commonly associated with it cause problems for many adults. Some common disorders that occur as a result of Parkinson's disease and sleep disorders are: insomnia, parasomnia, and daytime sleep disorders.


Of all adults with Parkinson's disease and sleep disorders, approximately 74 per cent have insomnia as well. Insomnia causes one to have difficulties falling asleep, staying asleep, or waking up at a reasonable time. There are various forms of insomnia that can accompany Parkinson's disease and sleep disorders. For example, the insomnia can be intermediate, initial, or terminal.


Parasomnia is the occurrence of one of the following during sleep: vivid dreams, nocturnal hallucinosis, nightmares, night terrors, nocturnal vocalizations, sleep walking, sleep talking, panic attacks and rapid eye movement (REM) behavior disorder. Many people who are affected by Parkinson's disease and sleep disorders report that they are also affected by one or more of these annoyances during sleep. This can cause the patient to feel as though they barely slept, when in fact they slept through the entire night.

Daytime Sleep Disorders

People with Parkinson's disease are also affected by daytime sleep disorders. People with Parkinson's disease frequently have trouble staying awake during the day. This can be a result of many things. Usually, it is because they had difficulties sleeping the previous night, or because of the medicine that is given to treat Parkinson's disease. Also, conditions such as dementia, depression, and sleep apnea can accompany Parkinson's disease and sleep disorders. These conditions can cause the person who is affected by Parkinson's disease to feel tired or drowsy during the day as well.
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