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By: admin
One topic that is coming up more than ever now is the condition called Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Some were aware of it before this became the common name and remember it as "shell shock." Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is a disorder suffered by rising numbers of people today.

It starts with events that are so traumatic for those suffering, that they can't deal with it all at once, and shouldn't be expected too. In wars, many soldiers experience horrors that were extremely beyond anything they could ever prepare for. This has been a strongly noticed issue on the rise since the many soldiers returned home from the Vietnam War.

It's definitely not solely experienced by soldiers either, rather many have experienced post traumatic stress disorder from acts of violence around crime scenes, devastating losses, repeated abuses beyond imagination, and yet many more situations. The key factor often being the result is severely traumatizing to them.

The Many Symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Whatever the cause, untreated, those with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder stand to deal with many side effects including sleep trouble, anxiety, depression, flashbacks, and even blackouts when these occur. While they came back, the issues of their trauma are still buried deep in their mind in full force. Often under lock and key to dwell on, or seemingly forget; though unlike other matters of life it's far from forgotten. Hidden are vivid details and in this state it will simply show many other symptoms throughout everyday life.

One of the more extreme side effects of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is another disorder called Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD), in which studies indicate all cases have PTSD as well. Split personalities seem to be one of the ways the human mind can deal with the trauma hidden back in.

How to Deal With Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

It's very unlikely that any individual can deal entirely with their own Post Traumatic Stress Disorder; however they will indeed need to be the major player in it. Professional Counseling is a good start for those believing they have PTSD.

First will be the diagnosis which will determine if Post Traumatic Stress Disorder exists in their case. This can be tricky at times though the steps professionals use become more refined from experience and studies. With a positive diagnosis treatment can begin.

Treatment can be a mix of counseling, support group, and quite possibly treatment for a number of other conditions that may be found. These may include anxiety, depression, insomnia, and more. For the patient, it's important to try to keep up with it all.

One thing that will definitely be necessary when treating Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is unraveling the layers of emotional feelings, fears and other things that may have long been hidden and attempted forgotten. Learning to deal with these feelings and fears is the most important thing. Being able to find someone they can open up to about them and get the word out of their head will indeed bring long-term progress

In The End

Hopefully this article has informed you of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. If you believe you or someone you know has this disorder, it would be very wise to find out. Hopefully not, though those that do, need help to get past their trauma. Once past it there is a lot of hope for a better life.
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