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Articles » Home-&-Family » Home-Improvement

By: admin
Everyone knows that home appliances are very important. After all, no one has time to be hand washing jeans and sheets these days, and having to toast bread over an open fire would certainly not be very convenient! Appliances are very important in our homes, but which ones are the most important? Out of all of the appliances available in stores today, which ones are the ones that would be labeled as "must haves"? This article will touch on the top ten appliances to have at home, and will also back up each one as to why it is in the top ten list.

Number One - Stove: Without a stove in your kitchen you would definitely need a fireplace, unless you planned on eating out at least once a day, if not several times per day. If you were to eat out that often, the money you would spend in a week or two would probably pay for any stove you would like to buy! A stove can boil water, bake a cake, cook chicken, beef or fish, and basically cook or bake anything you need. Most recipes in your cookbook need a stove to complete the recipe.

Number Two - Refrigerator: If you did not buy yourself a fridge you would need to live near a frozen lake or pond in the winter and build an underground cold storage facility for the summer months. Food needs to kept cold to stay fresh. That is a fact of life, and unless you want to cut out giant blocks of ice in the winter for your ice box, you will need a fridge.

Number Three - Washer: Washers are a great appliance to have. There is nothing like stuffing a load of dirty clothes into the modern washer and thirty minutes later having a load of clean clothes. One hundred years ago washing clothes took a whole day to do - and that was if you had a small family!

Number Four - Dryer: Just like its nice to have a washer clean your clothes in thirty minutes, its also great to have a dryer to dry them in the same amount of time. In the winter especially!

Number Five - Dishwasher: This appliance is a lifesaver for a large family, but it is still a blessing to have for two or three people. Nobody likes to wash dishes, and to have an appliance that does all of the work for you is always great! Also, dishwashers don't just wash the dishes, they disinfect them as well.

Number Six - Toaster: Most people like toast, and it has become a staple in the morning. Toasters do the job effectively and fast enough for our fast-paced lives.

Number Seven - Coffee Maker: Even if you don't like the black stuff, you will eventually have people in your home who do like it, and are probably very addicted to it! Coffee is a great ice breaker and something nice to offer to guests.

Number Eight - Blender: Everyone is eating healthier these days and a blender really helps you to do this. A blender can whip up a homemade soup in minutes, or a frozen fruit drink in seconds.

Number Nine - Food Processor: These handy appliances come in all kinds of sizes these days and they are very helpful in the kitchen. Instead of spending an hour chopping up foods for dinner you can do it in minutes with a food processor. Also, if Mom has to go away for a couple of days, instead of buying unhealthy frozen dinners for her family, she can pre-chop all of the veggies needed for meals and just leave some simple instructions that hopefully Dad can follow!

Number Ten - Microwave: When you want to defrost something fast, or heat some leftovers, a microwave is a very important appliance. Also, without a microwave, you could never have any microwave popcorn.
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