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What is an LPN?

LPN stands for "licensed practical nurse." This type of nurse usually works under the supervision of a registered nurse and can be responsible for a variety of caretaking tasks, including patient feeding, medical record updating, patient call answering, and vital sign monitoring. In some states, an LPN is allowed to administer intravenous medication as well. In California and Texas, an LPN is referred to as an LVN (licensed vocational nurse). On the nursing hierarchy, an LPN takes on more responsibility than a certified nurse assistant, but not quite as much as an RN.

Becoming an LPN

In order to become an LPN, one must hold his/her high school diploma or equivalent and then complete a two-year practical nursing program. Upon course completion, a candidate must pass the NCLEX-PN to become officially licensed as an LPN. LPNs can expect to earn approximately $16 per hour, which is the national average.

Comparing Online LPN Programs

There are many colleges that offer LPN training online, so that anyone can learn from home in his/her spare time without having to quit his/her job. Some things to consider when looking for an online LPN program include time flexibility, cost, prerequisites, and professor availability.

Ask yourself first how much spare time you have to study in an online LPN program. You should be able to complete your training online without having to sacrifice your day job. Maybe you also have family to consider. Additionally, you should be sure to look at cost to make sure that enrolling isn't going to put a huge dent in your budget.

Also be sure to consider any prerequisites that a program may have. Most online LPN programs will require nothing more than a high school diploma, but it never hurts to double check this. Also consider your computer system requirements as well. Make sure you have a reliable Internet connection and a sturdy Word processing program and you should be good to go.

Finally, it is usually helpful if you can get in touch with professors during the course of a class term. Some programs allow for more communication than others, so you will definitely want to consider this factor as well.

The Online LPN Degree

Earning an online LPN degree is beneficial in many ways. Having additional experience in the nursing field will allow a person to advance to a higher position if they so choose. Many universities now offer these programs as a way to get people interested in the nursing field and to help those who are already in the field improve their skills and knowledge of nursing. There are many exciting careers waiting for a person once they graduate from a program. An LPN will allow people to pursue their interests within the nursing field.

Another benefit of an online LPN degree is the ability to still keep a job while studying for a degree. Many people have to work, but would like to make more money. One of the only ways to do this in the nursing field is to gain more knowledge. An LPN degree will give a person the tools necessary to perform many duties within the nursing field. From there, people can continue going to school or enter the workforce. For those who already have a nursing job, applying for other positions or asking for more money becomes easier.

Earning an online LPN degree should take a person a year or so depending on how many credits they can take. Instructors will provide students with a list of books they will have to read and assignments they will have to complete. Turning in assignments on time and making sure all tests are completed is a necessary part of any online program. Additional reading materials will be suggested which should be taken seriously. Learning as much as possible is the goal of many students. Upon graduation, a person will be able to take the knowledge they have learned and apply it to a new job or their old job. Either way, a person will be satisfied knowing that they have an LPN degree in nursing.

The Online LPN to RN Degree

Many times once a nurse has earned a nursing degree, they will go on to earn another. These days, earning an online LPN to RN degree is an option more and more people are considering when looking to enter the nursing field. It makes sense once a person earns their LPN to stay in school for another year or two. Nurses who have an RN earn more money, and have more choices when it comes to where they want to work. Having choices can help if person wants to relocate.

Earning a degree online can save a person time in many ways. Not having to commute to classes and then sit in a classroom can save up to ten hours a week. An online LPN to RN degree program allows a person to keep their current job which may be necessary. If a person does not have to work, then they will have extra time for an internship or volunteer work at a hospital to see first-hand how nurses care for others in need. Working online can be done when a person feels comfortable. This may be in the morning, or late at night.

Online LPN to RN degree classes are traditional in that a person must complete all course work in order to receive their degree. Instructors are available along the way to answer questions and offer advice. They can be reached by phone or by email. Devising a study plan is the best way to maintain a steady schedule. People who are able to manage their time without too much supervision will do well in an online program. Those who work and have families are used to multi-tasking. They should be able to fit in an online program and further their nursing career by earning a degree and getting the position they desire.
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