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Curing Your Allergy With a Balanced Diet |
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You are in the middle of some daily activity and suddenly it happens: your allergy. Soon enough you will endure sneezing, itching, teary eyes, running nose, red rash, needless to go further. Now, I have been in your position and will try to give all the temporary solutions which helped for a while but failed to defeat my allergy. In the long run my allergy kept coming back. In this article I will try to help you to cure your allergy and not only its symptoms.
What is an allergy? Well, an allergy is an overreaction response of our immunity system to some innocent food, dust, or other causes. Normally, these things will end up without any reaction, but for some people it is the beginning of another very problematic day. Actually, an allergy derives its power from our immunity system which attacks our body.
There are several types of allergies each one derives from a different source. The main known types of allergies are: hey fever (a mite which is tiny insect located in the dust of our carpets and furniture), bronchial asthma, dermatitis, and all sorts of food allergies.
Most of them are related to the symptoms we have discussed earlier.
The symptoms are well treated by traditional medicine. Every time you suffer from an allergy you will take that medicine, which will cure only the symptoms, creating a never ending story of you and your allergy. Whenever you eat certain type of food or are exposed to dust or even cats (my wife suffered from that), the allergy is back. The solution is taking care of your body, regain its natural balance and avoid allergies for the rest of your life.
This is the real secret: maintaining your body's natural balance. If your body was in a perfect physical condition you could have left your allergies behind you. The reason is that an unbalanced body might lead to an unbalanced reaction of the immunity system is why we experience allergies. The solution is balancing your body to gain extra strength.
How can one retain body balance? It depends totally on you. You must be determined to heal the allergy attacks you suffer from. You must start balancing your diet with healthy food. Please do not try this at once but simply add some healthy supplements to your daily diet. This could be more vegetables, seeds, almonds, etc.
You should consult a dietitian for a complete new diet which will eventually balance your body and possibly heal you completely from your allergy. |