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Articles » Self-Improvement » Motivation

By: admin
What's your dream? Want to give your vision a jumpstart? Write down your goals and use these questions to speed up delivery of your dream. 1. What's your highest priority this lifetime?(read entire article)
View : 1475 Times
By: admin
You know the time of year. Xmas is just around the corner and then a week later we are toasting in the New Year. Streets, offices, and coffees shops are already buzzing with all the talk of the resolutions we plan to start on New Year's Day.(read entire article)
View : 1415 Times
By: admin
You can't change a habit unless you replace it with another one. The same is true of motivation. You can't change how someone is motivated unless you replace the undesirable motivation with a desirable one.(read entire article)
View : 1160 Times
By: admin
We've all heard it so many times, whether it's coming from us or somebody we associate with; "I need a change in my life." But then nobody ever does anything about it, they just continue to complain!(read entire article)
View : 1407 Times
By: admin
"The two rules of procrastination: 1) Do it today. 2) Tomorrow will be today tomorrow." - Vincent T. Foss Susan Daley was a successful entrepreneur selling promotional products.(read entire article)
View : 1284 Times
By: admin
Does afternoon feel like a better time to nap than work? Actually, some lifestyle experts say a 15- or 20-minute "power nap" after lunch isn't a bad idea.(read entire article)
View : 1099 Times
By: admin
It was Earl Nightingale, one of the founding fathers of self-help, who said, "It's in your moments of decision that your destiny is created."(read entire article)
View : 1115 Times
By: admin
When I was a young boy in Santa Cruz, California I used to help my grandfather in the fields by his home. This was not his land but back in those days it was not unusual to barter with the neighbors to work it for them so(read entire article)
View : 1181 Times
By: admin
What's the purpose of life and how to I get there? Those are two of the most asked questions on this planet.(read entire article)
View : 1117 Times
By: admin
What exactly is motivation? Everyone does not always define motivation the exact same way. Some people describe motivation as a mental force that drives a person to accomplish an end(read entire article)
View : 1114 Times
By: admin
When one thinks of ways of motivating others the first image that comes to mind is that of a coach gathering his team members together before a big game and giving them a pep talk and getting them all revved up(read entire article)
View : 1097 Times
By: admin
Procrastination is a problem that usually affects students, but it can be found in the working world, as well. For many students, getting an assignment that is due in two months is a great thing.(read entire article)
View : 1140 Times
By: admin
Procrastination, like all of your behaviours carries consequences. Whether your behaviour is conscious or unconscious, you will eventually have to deal with the effects.(read entire article)
View : 1264 Times
By: admin
It's 6 in the morning. The alarm clock is buzzing, and you're thinking to yourself, "What's the point in getting up this early for work?" For some of us, the motivation is simply the desire to shut off the clock(read entire article)
View : 1088 Times
By: admin
You know what it's like. You set yourself a goal, something you want to achieve. You are excited and ready to take on the world, and then a few months later(read entire article)
View : 1057 Times
By: admin
Do you have trouble sticking up for yourself? Do you feel pushed around or walked over? Do you find it difficult to say no to others. Do you do things which you did not want to do?(read entire article)
View : 1019 Times
By: admin
Millions each day (if not more) are afflicted with and effected by the habit of procrastination. Procrastination will kill your dreams faster than you can even have them.(read entire article)
View : 1340 Times
By: admin
Have you heard the expression, "an idle mind is the Devil's workshop"? There is a lot of truth to this. Our minds are powerful and the things you think about can make or break your attitude towards life.(read entire article)
View : 1189 Times
By: admin
In today's business environment, motivational art has quickly become the darling of entrepreneurs. Why? Simply because it works! In short, motivational art posters/prints are photographs or drawings(read entire article)
View : 1141 Times
By: admin
I know. I've been there. You have long to-do list waiting, but instead, you find yourself oversleeping, watching TV or wasting time in other unproductive activities.(read entire article)
View : 922 Times
By: admin
Problems with motivation are very common for people of pretty much all ages. Whether you are a young person who doesn't have a desire to do anything in life or you are an older person who is looking for new ventures to stay motivated,(read entire article)
View : 1133 Times
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