Time Management |
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Are you the type of person who feels that there are not enough hours in the day for you to complete all of your daily tasks and duties? This article gives free tips on how to manage your time in a more constructive and successful way.(read
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View : 1151 Times
If you find yourself going to work with the best intentions of making the most of every minute, but end up at the close of the day wondering where it all went, the chances are that you've been hijacked by the "Time Stealers."(read
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View : 1187 Times
What can you do to start improving your time management right away? Make lists and prioritize Often it's not that people aren't effective with their time rather they just don't spend the time(read
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View : 1147 Times
I bet you're frustrated over never having enough time to get everything done in the day. There are only a fixed number of hours in the day, and no matter how hard we wish for it that will never change.(read
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View : 1092 Times
They say that it is impossible to achieve success in both career and family. You always have to choose one over the other.(read
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View : 1127 Times
I think that most people would agree that the people who have goals are more successful than those who do not have any. I often talk about leadership and management.(read
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View : 1459 Times
Everyone has probably observed others who seem to skim over a page quickly as they read. People naturally read at different rates, but there are some people who have learned to speed reading.(read
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View : 1135 Times
One of the most fascinating things about watching someone speed reading is the rate at which their hand glosses over the material they are reading. It moves so quickly and for the average reader, it seems as though(read
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View : 1350 Times
If you've ever been witness to someone speed reading the sight can be remarkable. They turn the pages of a book at breakneck speed and often their hand is skimming the length of the pages very quickly.(read
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View : 1403 Times
Sometimes you feel like you are ready to overcome everything, you can manage any strain and solve the most difficult problems. But this state continues for a very short period of time.(read
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View : 1043 Times
The Internet is taking over man's normal way of living, so therefore when we consider time management, we must also consider the World Wide Web.(read
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View : 1062 Times
Two commutes a day, ten a week, forty a month, about 440 times a year. If you commute 45 minutes to work, that is ninety minutes a day, 1,650 hours a year!(read
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View : 1308 Times
Having a clear, unambiguous understanding of role and responsibilities is one of the foundation stones on which successful managers operate. Without this, the manager cannot be sure what activities to lead on,(read
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View : 952 Times
Research shows that there is a big relationship between reading rate and reading comprehension. Some people read rapidly and comprehend well; others read slowly and comprehend badly.(read
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View : 1370 Times
Getting the main idea in reading is central to effective studying. You must learn what the author's central idea is, and understand it in your own way.(read
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View : 1511 Times
Have you ever thought to yourself that there aren't enough hours in the day, or felt overwhelmed at the tasks facing you? If you have, this article can help you!(read
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View : 1199 Times
We all have to find what works best for our individuality, since each and every one of us is different. Accepting our own actions, behaviors and thoughts is not the beginning of learning who we really are.(read
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View : 1354 Times
We live in a BUSY world, people! We do not live in an era where you can kick back and enjoy your life, or reap the rewards of your hard work over the years. There is too much to do!(read
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View : 1209 Times
Time management can be a big issue for stay at home moms that have many things going on in their lives. For mothers that truly want the best for themselves and their families,(read
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View : 1120 Times
Exams, quizzes, and many projects dominate a student's world. Rare is the day containing significant free time. In fact it can be difficult to schedule time for sufficient sleep. If that weren't enough, consideration must be made for social interaction,(read
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View : 1383 Times
"How do you DO it?" If I had a dime for every time I heard that, I would be able to quit my home business. Just kidding. Seriously, time management is a serious issue for us work from home Moms.(read
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View : 1108 Times
Control is having the power to manage ourselves. When we have control of our lives, then we have the ability to manage anything that comes our way.(read
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View : 1164 Times
My business experience has taught me one true thing: That maximizing your productivity, happiness, peace, or impact can best be accomplished if you clearly understand the 12 Rules of Time.(read
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View : 1374 Times