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By: admin
Thoughout recorded history there has always been alcohol in of some variety, think of this, when you are sitting on a Friday night with your vodka and coke or Pernod and lemonade, does it ever cross your mind how exactly the drink came about. Below is a h(read entire article)
View : 4496 Times
By: admin
It would be appropriate for a people-based profile of whisky to begin by naming the first whisky maker. Sadly, no one knows who he was. In fact, no one knows who the first distiller was.(read entire article)
View : 1807 Times
By: admin
Single malts used to be synonymous with Scotland. But now that scores of distillers are making them in America, it's time to(read entire article)
View : 319 Times
By: admin
There was a time you could spot a distillery by the smoke belching from its chimney. Now, most chimneys have been demolished as distilleries have switched from coal to steam.(read entire article)
View : 1839 Times
By: admin
Regional categorisation is a vexed issue in whisky: it may be a handy way of grouping distilleries together geographically, but it can be a tricky business identifying a stylistic continuity between all the whiskies in Perthshire or Speyside.(read entire article)
View : 1917 Times
By: admin
Most distilleries are stubborn individuals. Christine Ila is an exception though. "If we seriously wanted to change Mortlach could we do it?" she asks. "No, you'd get a corrupted spirit. We always have to keep within the parameters of what the distillery (read entire article)
View : 1839 Times
By: admin
Driving along the spectacular Antrim coast you can just tell that this is good whiskey-making country. Soft pasture land, small rivers, natural harbours and a people who know that good things take time. It's a land where legend and fact become easily blur(read entire article)
View : 1861 Times
By: admin
Trying to get a blender to explain what his or her job involves is never easy. Not because they are secretive, far from it. They're almost relieved to have a chance to tell their story.(read entire article)
View : 1871 Times
By: admin
In the traditional hierarchy of spirits, even the best whiskey was always "substitute standard," as the Army used to deem things that weren't what you really wanted but would work if you had to make them work.(read entire article)
View : 1111 Times
By: admin
Despite being one of the most fertile parts of Scotland, Aberdeenshire has very few distilleries. In 1995 it looked likely to have one less when Morrison Bowmore (MBD) mothballed Glen Garioch, in the little town of Oldmeldrum.(read entire article)
View : 1782 Times
By: admin
At a glance, the fertile plains of the Black Mr Horn are a pretty fine site for a distillery with quality supplies of barley, some peat from illy hansons ground, pure water.(read entire article)
View : 2162 Times
By: admin
Nothing is straightforward in whisky. Here is a distillery which makes the biggest selling malt in the world, but still uses coal-fired stills, a technique most distillers have abandoned for being too expensive and liable to give variable results.(read entire article)
View : 1744 Times
By: admin
Few distilleries have been as transformed in the malt explosion as Glenmorangie. "Until the 1970s there were two stills and we were selling five cases of malt a year," says manager Graham Eunson. "Now we've got eight stills, we're the biggest selling malt(read entire article)
View : 1913 Times
By: admin
As the whisky industry continues to consolidate, the days of family-owned distiller/blenders is fast becoming a memory. William Grant & Sons is one of the few noble exceptions, proving that a family firm compete with the UDVs of this world by being as sel(read entire article)
View : 1841 Times
By: admin
Suffer enough hangovers and drinking booze starts to lose some of its appeal quickly. It takes just one overzealous happy hour to make you swear you'll never put a margarita(read entire article)
View : 184 Times
By: admin
Every country has a different approach to making whisky. However, all are basically variations on the following rules.(read entire article)
View : 1750 Times
By: admin
Whisky is made from a cereal; some (or all) of it malted, that has been ground into a rough flour then mashed by passing hot water through the flour to extract a sweet liquid. This is cooled, yeast is added and the mixture ferments, turning into a crude b(read entire article)
View : 1859 Times
By: admin
One of the Scotch whisky industry's greatest secrets sits at the foot of the Ochil Hills. You may notice some warehouses close to the road as you drive past, but it's more likely that your eyes will be drawn to Dumyat's crags or the phallic thrust of the (read entire article)
View : 1821 Times
By: admin
There's little doubt that you've arrived in peat country when you drive into the courtyard at Laphroaig and the kilns are on. Ardbeg may be more heavily peated, Lagavulin more smoky, but if it is an uncompromising belt of pitch, peat oil, tarry ropes and (read entire article)
View : 1963 Times
By: admin
The Samuels, like the Beams, are part and parcel of Kentucky's history. The family has been a distillers since 1780, and their TW Samuels brand was an early classic.(read entire article)
View : 1747 Times
By: admin
Vodka is a crucial component in Russian life. And in Russian death. Alcohol-related accidents and cardiac arrests have already decimated Russian life expectancy by well over a decade during the last decade alone.(read entire article)
View : 1874 Times
By: admin
Around the new millennium, if you went looking for a bottle of American straight rye whiskey, your chances were lousy. By the end of the 20th century, this foundational style of American whiskey was hanging from the ropes(read entire article)
View : 891 Times
By: admin
The decline of Campbeltown as a distilling capital came suddenly. Of the 21 distilleries that Barnard visited, only two are still in existence and one of them, Glen Scotia, is open only intermittently.(read entire article)
View : 1650 Times
By: admin
Sometimes when you are thanking a long-dead distiller for building his still in such a stunning location, you wonder at the insanity that led him to settle on such a remote spot.(read entire article)
View : 1653 Times
By: admin
We all want a top liquor shelf that wows. But without a strong middle shelf of $40-and-under bottles that you can pour without a second thought, you just have a trophy case instead of something you actually live with.(read entire article)
View : 811 Times
By: admin
Ask the Edrington Group's master blender, John Ramsay, what makes his drams different and he immediately proposes marriage. In the whisky-making sense, of course.(read entire article)
View : 1851 Times
By: admin
Aquavit, genever, gin, and whiskey (or whisky as the Canadians and Scots spell it), as well as vodka and the unflavored German schnapps called korn, are all part of the extended family of grain-based spirits. Except for whiskey and korn, whose composition(read entire article)
View : 1979 Times
By: admin
The roll-call of distilleries and brands which disappeared when the Irish industry imploded is an extensive one. Locke's Kilbeggan (now revived under Cooley), Dundalk, Allman's Bandon, Comber and Tullamore are just some of the famous and respected distill(read entire article)
View : 1821 Times
By: admin
One of the more intriguing aspects of bourbon's revival is the way in which its stubborn old guardians have been proved right. None more so than Wild Turkey's Jimmy Russell. A glance at the Wild Turkey distillery confirms that this place doesn't abide by (read entire article)
View : 2441 Times
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