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Articles » Food-&-Beverage » Wine

By: admin
Are you baffled by the huge variety of French wines and completely lost when it comes to deciding which wine will best suit your needs? Each of the eight wine producing regions of France specializes in producing wine of a particular type and flavor and th(read entire article)
View : 2183 Times
By: admin
Most people love to throw dinner parties for their friends and family. But, they may avoid serving wine because they do not know exactly what to serve. Do you serve red or white with fish?(read entire article)
View : 2157 Times
By: admin
Collecting wine can be a very fun and exciting hobby - especially when you try to find the wine. If you are looking to collect wine, you may end up spending a bit more money than you thought.(read entire article)
View : 1905 Times
By: admin
Building a wine cellar can create the ideal environment to store your wines. Temperature is always a major consideration in wine storage and the ideal wine storage temperature is between 55 F and 58 F (13 C-15 C), although any temperature between 40 -65 F(read entire article)
View : 2404 Times
By: admin
Many of us love wine, but lack the purse that allows for expensive, "fine" wines. For that matter, I have found that if I want to enjoy wine regularly (which I do), I can't even afford $15 a bottle as that mounts up quickly in the old monthly budget.(read entire article)
View : 1822 Times
By: admin
Wine gifts are considered as one of the best gifts for men. They come in a variety of tastes, vintages, colors, wrappings, baskets, labels, corkscrews, stoppers, etc. Many types of wines are available in the market and a variety of vintage wines are sent (read entire article)
View : 1750 Times
By: admin
The ideal utensils to use for wine making and boiling ingredients & juices are those of good quality enamel. Those sold under a brand name are most reliable. The utensils must not be chipped.(read entire article)
View : 2018 Times
By: admin
What is wine exactly? Wine has been around the world for over 7000 years and is made from just 2 basic ingredients, yeast and grape juice.(read entire article)
View : 2292 Times
By: admin
Going to a wine tasting can be a very fun and enjoyable experience. However, many people do not attend for fear of not knowing exactly how to act or what to do. There no great mystery to wine tastings, just a few things you should remember.(read entire article)
View : 2058 Times
By: admin
The love of wine has existed since the dawn of time. Fossil vines, 60-million-years-old, are the earliest scientific evidence of grapes.(read entire article)
View : 1778 Times
By: admin
Wine is a very wide spread term that is simply fruit being distilled and fermented for the product of an alcoholic drink. When most people think of wine they immediately think grapes, but there are so many different sources for wine production(read entire article)
View : 2378 Times
By: admin
When it comes to celebrations like weddings, christenings, birthdays, engagements, garden parties or even if you have to launch a ship, there is only one thing that will fit the occasion, champagne. In fact whatever the event you can bring a sense of sign(read entire article)
View : 2338 Times
By: admin
For many of us wine is something of a mystery and when we are buying wine it comes down to a simple choice between red and white and what our local supermarket has available in its "special offer" bin.(read entire article)
View : 2084 Times
By: admin
Wine storage is key to the success of any collection. If you enjoy collecting find wines then you will want to look into the best of all wine storage options.(read entire article)
View : 2283 Times
By: admin
We've all heard that there are rules to selecting the right wine. Those rules are based on the type of meat or fish main course, cost, the snootiness factor and other less savory snobbery.(read entire article)
View : 2047 Times
By: admin
From its earliest known origins in Europe in the Middle Ages the Pinot gris grape has become a popular choice for wines all over the world.(read entire article)
View : 1977 Times
By: admin
It's always nice to have a go-to Champagne, said Sam Stone in "Bon Appetit." In a blind taste test of bottles under $100 from the biggest houses, we sought brut Champagnes(read entire article)
View : 35 Times
By: admin
Many wine buyers and collectors prefer to go to wineries to ensure that they make the right purchase of fine wines. You may find experts and wine critics where you travel.(read entire article)
View : 1188 Times
By: admin
Wine has a cultural background that stretches back centuries. It is an integral part of many cultures today and is held sacred by some. As a result, it has an impact on numerous individuals' lives. It is infinitely more than just a drink that people use t(read entire article)
View : 2124 Times
By: admin
With all the bottles of wine on the market, it's no wonder people often have no idea what they like and what they don't like. On many an occasion in the past I have found myself loving a bottle of wine only to have no idea what sort of white wine it was.(read entire article)
View : 3949 Times
By: admin
The role of the Church in the production and marketing of wine declined with the Reformation, particularly in northern Europe, but this did not convulse the wine world half as much as the discovery of the usefulness of corks about a century later. For the(read entire article)
View : 2089 Times
By: admin
Even for the avid wine drinker, deciding on a bottle of wine can be a daunting task with so many varieties of wine on the market today. Wine labels don't help either with the various terms in foreign languages and the small print.(read entire article)
View : 1748 Times
By: admin
You may remember the old adage "you can't judge a book by its cover," but is the same true about a bottle of wine? Can you judge wine by its label?(read entire article)
View : 1920 Times
By: admin
Home wine racks are specially designed for storing bottles of wines in a horizontal position, to help preserve the quality of the wine. Storing your bottles in a wine rack is a great way to prevent the corks from drying out.(read entire article)
View : 2441 Times
By: admin
Wine has been set apart from the other beverages consumed by humans, rather like the gods and goddesses themselves were set apart from mere mortals in their aerie on Mount Olympus, since the first flagon of grape was allowed to ferment.(read entire article)
View : 4285 Times
By: admin
What Do Wine Tasters Look For When Assessing Wines? Wine tasting is an overall sensory evaluation of the wine being tasted. Tasters evaluate the aroma, the look, the taste, and feel inside the mouth.(read entire article)
View : 2301 Times
By: admin
Attending a wine tasting can be very entertaining, however there are a vast majority of wanna wine connoisseur's out there who don't like to attend these gatherings as they do not know what they are supposed to do or what way to act when sampling the wine(read entire article)
View : 1692 Times
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