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Articles » Self-Improvement » Grief

By: admin
I have seen grief at its worse. A friend of mine lost her husband at sea, and the body was never found. She did not know whether to let go or continue to cling to her hope that someday they would meet again. With no body to bury, she hanged onto hope and despair. After three years, she started to realize she would never see her husband again. Her bereavement took a toll on her work, relationships with friends and family. Her family got professional help for her. When her bereavement was over, she got on with her life.

Grief may not always be about the death of a loved one, it may also be the loss of things people value or care for deeply. This is a natural reaction to a loss. Although painful, grief or bereavement is normal and necessary to expunge all the negative feelings associated with loss. People react to a deep loss differently. Others can cry. This is cathartic. But there are others who stoically bear the sorrow of bereavement. It may take months or years before they can come to grips with themselves. There are several reactions to the death of a loved one. They may be shocked or disbelieving, harbor a sense of deep loss, and feel guilt and regret.

Other people are not aware that bereavement may prod feelings of injustice, envy, anger, and relief. They nurture this nagging suspicion that they should not feel this way. When others wallow in loneliness and depression this is also normal. The process of grief does not follow a formula. Some may need professional help, and others may get back on with their routines in a snap.

Bereavement is also painful for children and adolescents. Very young children may understand the extent of the loss but they feel the pain as much as adults do. They may not share their grief, for they see that the adults are grieving. Sometimes when young adolescents feel they are to blame for the death of a loved one. This can do great harm to the mind of a young child.

It is advisable to get professional help when someone cannot get over bereavement. The family doctor can provide medical prescription for help people going into depressions. Some can get also get help from religious or voluntary organizations. Others may have to see a psychotherapist or a bereavement counselor.
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