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Articles » Health-&-Fitness » Yoga

By: admin
With a sensible and proper diet with emphasis on Fruits and Vegetables (the Mucus-less diet), these specific ailments listed below can each be alleviated with a consistent and wise execution of the poses recommended.

1. Acne: Sun Salutations, the shoulder-stand and its counter-poses, head to knee poses, Peacock poses and Abdominal Isolation.

2. Arms (Sagging): Sun Salutations, Incline plane pose, Bow Pose, Wheel pose and the Balancing Poses (peacock and Crow)

3. Asthma: Deep abdominal breathing, Shoulder-stand, bridge and fish Pose, Bow Pose and Corpse pose (Abstinence from animal products and ALL processed foods strongly required! Fruits and Veggies Only!)

4. Back-Ache: Sun Salutations, Fish pose, bow pose

5. Bad Breath: Sun Salutations, Inverted Poses, Bow and Balancing Poses, Cleansing fire Pose and Breathing exercises. (Short fasts and Restricted Occasional juicy organic fruit diets are recommended)

6. Body Odor: Sun Salutations, the Shoulder-stand (15-20 Minutes after the poses are practiced, use a warm damp rag to wipe the pubic regions)

7. Bust and Chest (firming): Sun Salutations, Bow, Crow pose

8. Chin-(prevention of double chin): Fish, Wheel, Sun Salutations

9. Common Cold: Sun Salutations, shoulder-stand and her counter- poses, Breathing Exercises, Nasal Irrigation (Avoid Dairy, Grain and Animal Products and of course Processed Foods, this is a good time to do a short fast!)

10. Constipation: Inverted Poses, Sun Salutations, head to knee Poses, Bow Pose, the balancing poses (Peacock and crow variations) (Fiber Rich Foods- Dates, celery, melons etc)

11. Delaying Old Age: Sun Salutations, Shoulder-stand, Bridge Pose, Fish Pose, Wheel Pose, Abdominal lift and Breathing exercises.

12. Depression: Sun Salutations, shoulder stand and its counter pose, backward bending and balancing exercises.

13. Determination (lack of): Balancing exercises!

14. Diabetes: Head to Knee Poses (Sitting and Standing), Sun Salutations, Bow Pose. (Eat Lots of Celery and leafy vegetables and more Sub acid fruits such as The Stone fruits in Summer and apples and pears in Fall and winter, Berries in Spring)

15. Digestive Problems: Abdominal Isolations and lifts, Shoulder-stand, Plough Head to knee pose, Bow Pose, Peacock pose (A 2-3 day [or more] juice fast!)

16. Eye problems: Inverted poses: (Shoulder-stand and Plough Poses)

17. Excess Weight: Sun Salutations, Inverted Poses (plough and Shoulder stand) Bridge and Fish Pose, Bow and Breathing exercises (You must pick one: a restricted mono diet of fruit or a Juice fast for a week or two!)

18. Fatigue: Corpse Pose, Wheel Pose

19. Focus (lack of): Sun Salutations, balancing exercises and Breathing exercises.

20. Gastrointestinal Disorders: The Shoulder Stand Sequence, Head to knee Pose, Bow Pose, and The peacock pose.

21. Hips (Reduction of Fat): Spinal Twist, Twisted Crow Pose, Triangle Pose, Bow and Wheel Pose

22. Insomnia: The Inverted Poses, The corpse pose and Breathing exercises.

23. Jaw (Sagging): Sun Salutations, Shoulder stand and her counter poses, head to knee poses (sitting) and its counter pose, Wheel Pose.

24. Laryngitis: Sun Salutations, the Shoulder stand and its counter pose. The Wheel pose.

25. Lethargy: Sun Salutations, Shoulder stand and its counter poses, the Wheel Pose and the Balancing Poses.

26. Menopause Disorders: Bow, Shoulder stand, Fish, Plough and Head to Knee Poses.

27. Menstrual disorders: Bow, Shoulder stand, Fish, Plough and Head to Knee Poses.

28. Nervousness: Shoulder stand and its counter-poses, Bow pose and Corpse pose

29. Ovarian Insufficiency: Inverted Poses, Bow Pose, Wheel Pose, Abdominal Isolation and the Head to Knee pose.

30. Premature ejaculations: Shoulder stand, Plough pose, Head to Knee Poses, Bow Pose and Peacock Pose. Abdominal Lifts.

31. Pubic Disorders: Sun Salutations, Inverted poses, Head to Knee Poses (sitting and standing)

32. Rheumatism: Sun Salutations (mildly 3-6 rounds), the Bow Pose and Triangle Poses. (Avoid Dairy, Wheat and Animal products and other processed and convenience foods!)

33. Sexual disorders: Inverted Poses, Head to knee poses sitting and standing, bow pose, Balancing Poses (Peacock and Crow variations)

34. Spinal Stiffness: Spinal Twist, Bow, Sun Salutations Twisted Crow Poses.

35. Stomach Sagging: Inverted Poses, Head to Knee Poses, Bow Pose, Wheel Pose, Balancing Exercises.

36. Thighs: Sun Salutations, Inverted poses, Diamond Pose, Bow and Wheel Pose, Head to knee Poses, Triangle Poses.

37. Thyroid Deficiency: Shoulder-Stand and Plough poses. (Include Celery and Green Leafy veggies in your diet and juices)

38. Uterine disorders: Inverted Poses and the bow pose

39. Varicose Veins: Inverted poses, Head to knee Poses and the Backward bending Exercises

40. Waistline-to reduce and firm: Sun Salutations, Inverted Poses, Spinal Twists, Triangle Poses, Balancing exercises

41. Wrinkles: inverted Poses, head to knee poses, Sun Salutations and the balancing exercises.

There you have it, the comprehensive list of what pose can help with any ailment you may have. Here is another tip, for any of these ailments listed above, incorporate what Philippus Paracelsus has named "the greatest remedy -- the physician within!" and that my friends is a Fast or as an alternative a restricted mono-diet of a juicy fruit.

Yoga, a proper diet and mental attunements combined can be a panacea (cure-all) for just about any disease, so target what you may be encumbered with and with dedicated practice, you should see a drastic improvement.
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